HTLC Gastonia Women's Ministry
As sisters in Christ, we dedicate ourselves to move forward in faith and mission, through prayer and evangelism, with the Holy Scriptures as the ultimate authority of God.

Ladies Bible Study • All Things New
Wednesdays at 6:30pm via Zoom & in-person
We will be working through Kelly Minter's study on 2nd
Corinthians, All Things New. Please see the Herald for more details about the study.
This is an in-person study; however, we will have Zoom available for those who need
to attend remotely. Sessions will be held on Wednesdays at 6:30pm in the Lingle
classroom (left of the elevator in the PLC). Please let Anna Houser (704-813-6560 /
annaplus2girls@gmail.com) know if you plan to participate. The church will provide
the books and a love offering will be collected to defray the cost.
Circles and Small Groups
Circle of Patience - 1st Sunday of the month following the second service (in-person)
Circle of Goodness - 2nd Thursday of the month at 10:00 am (in-person)
LaVerne Davis Small Group - 1st and third Thursday of the Month at 10:00am (in-person) | off during summer
Donations and Service Projects
Year-Round Collection:
Aluminum pop-tops (tabs) - donated to the Ronald McDonald House in Charlotte
Toiletry items and kits - donated to the local women's shelter
Used eyeglasses - donated to the Lions Club
School supplies - donated to a local school
Other Projects:
Collection for local assisted living facilities
Card ministry for homebound disciples
Condolence meals
Valentine bags for homebound
Important Links

Women's Ministry Board
February 2024 - January 2026
LaVerne Davis - President
Judy Weatherford - Vice President
Nancy Faulkner - Secretary
Heather Peoples - Treasurer
Ana Mathews - Spiritual Director
Janet Green - Fellowship Director
Barbara Kiss - Projects/Mission Director