HTLC Gastonia Prayer List
Only the hospitalized and grieving disciples are added automatically. Prayer concerns will be carried for two weeks unless notified otherwise. Prayers for the concerns listed below are lifted up during Sunday morning worship, staff meetings and other prayer times throughout the week.
fill out a prayer card at church
call our office
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Billy Karagias, close family friend of Rick & Pepie Jones and son of Dean, declining health after suffering multiple heart attacks and strokes
Dennis Christman, husband of Wanda, for his overall health and healing from leukemia
Kyle Fletcher, after hospitalization with heart and breathing issues
Bob Burleson, husband of Jaine Burleson, ongoing health issues
The family of Jim Higgens, at his death on 8/27
Debbie Keller, healing and recovery from a fall and fractured vertebrae in her back
Carolyn, “Betsy”, Green, in preparation for upcoming surgery for breast cancer
Debbie, sister of Barbara Kies, who fell and dislocated her shoulder
Christine Smith, for her health and pain in her shoulder
Jann Green-Webb, daughter of James and Janet Green, praise for continued healing from extensive back surgery
Brenda Jenkins, now at home, for continued recovery after knee surgery and other health issues
Katrina Hinds, still in pain from knee replacement on 5/29
For friends and family dealing with cancer: Dennis Christman, Betsy Greene, Maria Brimmer, Pastor Kristen Phillips, Walter Martin, Barbara Zinke, Rebecca Cloninger, Alex Melvin, Ed Bridges, Dean Lawson, Melanie Henry, Beth Rudin, Julie Hill, Marilyn Lateulade, Jim Siedel, Teresa Hartman, Kelly Powell, Octavia Glenn, Margo Schopper, LeaAnn Buckwell, Bob Burleson, Tina Heracklis, Artie McGlohon, Braxton Morris, Pastor Bill White
Homebound: Caroline Banker, Pinkney Froneberger, Paul Kaiser, Janie Norton, Kathy Wallace, Iris Work
Family and friends actively serving in the military:  Braeden Lawing, Brett Boyd, Logan Cape, Mae Dodd, Josh Holland, Andrew Lambert, Luke Saylors, Liam Overby, Ryan Wallace, Jacob Lawing
For healthcare workers and first responders:  William Niemeyer, Chuck and Bridget Niemeyer, Beth Michaels, Melodie Garrison, Kailey Hinds, Cindy Isenhour, Lynn Ledbetter, Anna Murphy, Reggie Parlier, Jennifer Sutley, Jon Michael Brackett
Robin Simmons, for her health
All the persecuted, including Leah Sharibu
All missionaries, including the Thorstad family and the Voice of the Martyrs
For those outside the Church, that they may be brought to faith in Christ Jesus
For the youth and children of Holy Trinity, for the Holy Spirit to guide them
For our ministry partner, Displaced Roses, and for the Holy Spirit to stir us up to serve our neighbors in need
For the North American Lutheran Seminary System and for an increase in vocations to the ministry
For our Bishop, Dan, our dean, Steven, and for all clergy and people of the Carolinas Mission Region