Given to the Glory of God and In Memory of:
Joseph Guy & Dorothy Jones by Pepie & Rick Jones
James Heracklis by Pepie & Rick Jones
Madge, Rhyne, Elaine Sparks, & Jane S. Alexander by the Sparks Family
A.L. McCarter by Nancy & Jimmy Faulkner
J.F. Faulkner, Sr. by Nancy & Jimmy Faulkner
Walker Hayes by Mick & Carla McMahan
Rob Frye by Mick & Carla McMahan
William Thomas Harper by Darlene Harper
Dawn Goodwin by Darlene Harper
Dennis Lander by Darlene Harper
Both of our parents by Gene & Debbie Keller
Marion and Ruth Allen by Lee and Donna Allen
Given to the Glory of God and In Honor of:
Patricia Hughes by Bill & Charlotte Eaker
Ben Jones & Jennifer Craven by Pepie & Rick Jones
Maria, Craig, & Caleb Ray by Pepie & Rick Jones
Circle of Patience by Nancy Sparks
Tessa Alena Abernathy, our beautiful granddaughter by Katrina & Lee Hinds
The Circle of Goodness by Tess Gibbons
All of Our Loved Ones Lavada & Bob Barnill
All of Our Loved Ones Lavada & Bob Barnill
MaryElizabeth, B.J., & Baby Mattox by Nancy & Jimmy Faulkner
A.J. Faulkner by Nancy & Jimmy Faulkner
Chris Murphy, Cody Carpenter, & Kim Borromeo by Pastor Tom & Anne Corbell
Elizabeth Lethermon by Circle of Patience
Grandkids by Marty & Diane Campbell
Cody Carpenter by John Sautner
Upper Room Class by John Sautner
Chris & Shelly Murphy by John Sautner
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Allen by John Sautner
Ted & Lela Braswell by John Sautner
Parents of Ted & Lela Sautner by John Sautner
Martha & David Williard by John Sautner
John & Sarah Waldrop by John Sautner
Bob & Marie Ferguson by John Sautner
Dr. Reggie & Barbara Parlier by John Sautner
Pastor Tom & Ann Corbell by Circle of Patience
Our 5 children and 8 grandchildren by Gene & Debbie Keller
Paul and Kyoko Kaiser by Barbara Kies
Our parents and grandkids by Bob and Marilyn Kosak
Elaine Busch by Lee and Donna Allen
Pastor Ryan and Wife by Lee and Donna Allen