Visit Us
Contemporary Worship: 8:30am
Sunday School: 9:45am
Traditional Worship: 11:00am
Our worship services follow the traditional western liturgy that has been used by Christians for nearly 1,900 years! Our early service follows an "Ancient/Future" model, integrating more recent hymns into the service which are led by our praise team. The late service is a sung Divine Service, led by organ and choir. Whichever service you attend, you will encounter the living God as He comes to us in Word and Sacrament!
There is a convenient parking lot located just south of the buildings. You may enter the Welcome Center through the double glass doors into the Parish Life Center. Parking is also available on York Street and Chester Street.
During the week, all doors are kept locked. Please be sure to press the door buzzer to be let in to the building.
There are two additional parking lots just north of Garrison Boulevard. The double red doors at the front of the Sanctuary building are unlocked for worship services, and you may enter there if you are arriving for traditional worship in the sanctuary.
Office Phone: 704-864-0378
805 South York Street
Gastonia, NC 28052