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Pickup Choir

What is a Pickup Choir?

Pickup choirs are informal times when all members of the congregation are invited to join the choir in singing a Sunday anthem. No experience is needed and no future commitment is required. 

Just come and sing! You'll find the schedule and other details below. 



Do I need to wear a robe?

Nope! Come as you are.



Do I need to sit with the choir during the whole the service?

Not at all. Sit in your normal seat and come up when it's time to do the anthem.



What are we singing?

July 30th

Rehearsal: 10:15 am in the Sanctuary

August 13th 

Rehearsal: 10:15 am in the Sanctuary

Got Questions?

How may we pray for you?
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805 South York Street

Gastonia, NC  28052


M-F 9am-4pm

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"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

2 Corinthians 9:7

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