Adult programs
Are you interested in learning more about the Bible?
Do you want to grow spiritually? Are you seeking genuine Christian friendships?
We want to help you find a place where you are comfortable, encouraged,
and strengthened in your faith journey. Sunday mornings are a great time to start!
After “Connection Time” (coffee and refreshments) at 9:45 am,
adult classes & groups begin at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome!
Adult Sunday School Classes
Each week in the Recharge class, busy parents, couples, and singles seek God to recharge their faith in preparation for the week ahead. By sharing life experiences and applying the Bible’s timeless truths to them, group members find themselves growing closer to Christ and to one another. Study methods include reading scripture, watching teaching videos, and discussing issues as a group. If you need a weekly “recharge,” join this group and experience encouragement in your faith journey. Recent studies include The Jesus Lifestyle by Nicky Gumbel, and New Testament books of the Bible.
The Upper Room
The Upper Room class has been established for over 40 years and the love has only grown. This group used to meet above the sanctuary in an “upper room” and the name stuck, even after they moved to the Parish Life Center (PLC). Today, singles and couples in their 50s–70s continue to grow in God’s Word and in loving relationships with one another through this class. This group also gathers for activities such as Christmas caroling, service projects, and meals. Recent studies by Beth Moore and Lee Strobel.
Back to Basics
One of our newest groups, Back to Basics debuted in 2015. Each week, participants in this class take a journey through the Bible together. Along the way, they visit key locations, meet principal characters, and explore the foundations of the Christian faith. The main text for this class is the Bible. Back to Basics draws people of all ages and from all walks of life. The only criteria for participation is a sincere desire to study and learn about God’s Word. Recent studies include The Story: The Bible as One Continuing Story of God and His People, and Jesus’ Parables.
Do Drop In
Come in, pull up a chair, and stay a while – that’s the mantra of the Do Drop In class. An informal group, this class is a place for anyone of any age or life stage to “drop in” at any time. They don’t want you to ever feel lost or left out but rather to be made welcome and feel at home. Each week, this class catches up on the latest happenings, lifts up prayer concerns, watches a teaching video segment, and engages in lively discussion. “Do drop in” sometime soon and check it out. Recent studies include video series by Andy Stanley, Max Lucado, and Rick Warren.
The Lingle Class
Named for a beloved former pastor, the Lingle Class initially formed more than 40 years ago. While currently comprised of mostly senior adults, this group invites all ages to join them as they desire their class to bridge the generations. Their study emphasis is on the Bible and often explores the same scriptures highlighted during the morning’s worship services. They also enjoy drawing connections to Luther’s Small Catechism and learning about the traditions of the Lutheran Church. Recent studies include the Growth in Christ Quarterly Series by Concordia Publishing.
Life Groups
Christ-followers are meant to do life together. In Life Groups, we gather in small groups for the purpose of growing in faith in Jesus Christ. We currently have many Life Groups to select from, with spiritual growth being our primary goal.
While this section of our website is growing, if you are interested in being in a Life Group, please see Pastor Brack – he will be happy to get you connected!
Midweek Manna Classes
Midweek Manna is a gathering that happens in the fall and spring every Wednesday night starting at 6:30 pm. In addition to Life Groups, special classes are also held during this time that varies by season. A list of current classes is below.
This schedule coincides with BYG and child care is provided for children too young for that program.